Sunday, September 28, 2008

Have acne on my back

« ...Strange enough, but, despite all innovations of today's medicine, many people all over the world still keep suffering from unclear skin. To believe to the statistics, about 80% of people from 11 to 30 years old (and that's the age when appearance is considered critically important!) have acne. Moreover, the severe results of multiple medical studies showed that women are more predisposed to the pimple's intrusion than men - 50% to 25% accordingly. Isn't it unfair that you have to spend maybe the best years of your life in depression and a constant fight with acne?...
...How I Simply Overcame Acne...»
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«...Dandelion leaves are vitamin and mineral rich - and make a tasty green veggie. The vitamins and minerals in dandelion greens are thought to support and maintain healthy skin....»
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tags: how to stop acne and grow facial hair, home remedies for red acne scars, md formulations helped my acne

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