Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nicotinimide skin care acne

« ...While we all have these helpful steps in preventing skin acne, we can never have a blemish free skin if we do not religiously care for it. This means proper hygiene, daily habit of cleansing, toning and moisturizing are significant factors in caring for the skin. If you want to have an Ashton in your life, care for your skin and make it a habit....
...The truth is that during puberty, the level of sexual hormones known as androgens (particularly testosterone) is more eminent and they might heighten the sexual desire simultaneously, they also increase the production of some special body oils known as sebum. If some particular bacteria known as P. acnes are present together with this extra sebum, then this can end up into acne development. This is the only link that can be established between sex and acne. So the truth remains that the sex is not sole cause of acne and also that acne can in no way heighten anyone's sexual desire or activity....»
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«...Stay away from the sun! Well, not completely, as a small amount of sun each day is good for you, but it doesn't do your skin any good. The sun contributes to dryness in your skin and when your skin is dry, it tells your body to go ahead and start producing more oil in order to compensate. Your skin is also sloughing dead skin cells when exposed to the sun and dead skin cells mixed with an increased production of oil will only contribute to more pimples. So not only will it cause cancer and wrinkles, it will not solve your acne problems....»
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tags: is acne pimples and redness common in teenagers, acne pictures, why do i have acne on my back

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